April 9, 2024

ESLint v9.0.0: flat config and more

eslint.org @nzakas@fosstodon.org @eslint@fosstodon.org

“We just pushed ESLint v9.0.0, which is a major release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release. This release also has some breaking changes […]”


  • Flat config is now the default and has some changes
  • Removed all formatters except stylish, html, json, and json-with-meta
  • Updated eslint:recommended
  • New rule: no-useless-assignment
  • Updates to existing rules
  • Changes to how you write rules

Introducing ESLint Config Inspector

eslint.org @antfu@webtoo.ls @eslint@fosstodon.org

“Introducing the ESLint Config Inspector, a visual tool to help you understand and inspect ESLint flat configuration files.”

Bun 1.1: support for Windows and more

bun.sh github.com/Jarred-Sumner github.com/paperdave github.com/Electroid github.com/dylan-conway github.com/nektro github.com/gvilums github.com/cirospaciari github.com/oven-sh

Highlights since Bun 1.1:
  • Support for Windows
  • Large projects start 2× faster
  • Built-in library for cross-platform shell scripting
  • Improvements and fixes to Bun’s support for Node.js APIs
  • Improvements and fixes to web APIs

ECMAScript proposal: JavaScript Signals (stage 0)

github.com github.com/EisenbergEffect @littledan@hachyderm.io

“Several framework authors are collaborating here on a common model which could back their reactivity core. The current draft is based on design input from the authors/maintainers of Angular, Bubble, Ember, FAST, MobX, Preact, Qwik, RxJS, Solid, Starbeam, Svelte, Vue, Wiz, and more…”

“The plan for this proposal is to do significant early prototyping, including integration into several frameworks, before advancing beyond Stage 1. We are only interested in standardizing Signals if they are suitable for use in practice in multiple frameworks, and provide real benefits over framework-provided signals. We hope that significant early prototyping will give us this information.”

Introducing “Learn JavaScript”

web.dev @rachelandrew@front-end.social @Wilto@front-end.social

“Today we are excited to share with you our latest course on web.dev. Learn JavaScript is a new course written by Mat Marquis, as a deep dive into modern JavaScript. It’s a perfect companion to our existing courses, in particular the fundamentals covered in Learn HTML and Learn CSS.”

What even is a JSON Number?

blog.trl.sn @brian@m.terlson.net

“Not a question people generally ponder, and seems fairly straightforward. It’s a number, obviously! But the question turns out to be somewhat hard to answer, and for API designers especially, the answer is really important to know! So let’s explore by diving into the various JSON specifications and implementations. The findings are summarized at the end […]”

Object structure in JavaScript engines


“From a developer’s perspective, objects in JavaScript are quite flexible and understandable. We can add, remove, and modify object properties on our own. However, few people think about how objects are stored in memory and processed by JS engines. Can a developer’s actions, directly or indirectly, impact performance and memory consumption? Let’s try to delve into all of this in this article.”

The V8 Sandbox

v8.dev @saelo@chaos.social

“The V8 Sandbox is a new security mechanism designed to prevent memory corruption in V8 from impacting other memory in the process. The sandbox is motivated by the fact that current memory safety technologies are largely inapplicable to optimizing JavaScript engines. While these technologies fail to prevent memory corruption in V8 itself, they can in fact protect the V8 Sandbox attack surface. The sandbox is therefore a necessary step towards memory safety.”

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