March 26, 2025

Subject: Rsdoctor build analyzer; Corepack removed from Node.js; migrating to ESM; Intl.DurationFormat; ESLint supports TS syntax; migrating to ESLint v9

Rsdoctor 1.0: build analyzer for Rspack that’s compatible with webpack

“Rsdoctor is committed to being a one-stop, intelligent build analyzer that makes the build process transparent, predictable, and optimizable through visualization and smart analysis, helping development teams precisely identify bottlenecks, optimize performance, and improve engineering quality.”

Reach JavaScript developers through an ad on ECMAScript News 

Ads on ECMAScript News are read by a targeted audience: people eager to stay on the cutting edge of JavaScript and web development.

Node.js TSC votes to stop distributing Corepack

Related Bluesky post by Node.js contributor Marco Ippolito: “Node.js will no longer ship corepack starting from v25. This might make a lot of people sad, but it was a problem in terms of project maintainance. [...]”

Migrating the ecosystem to ES modules

Intl.DurationFormat: Format time durations with locale support

“Time durations appear everywhere – video players showing remaining time, fitness apps tracking workout lengths, or project management tools measuring task completion time. Formatting these durations consistently across different locales has traditionally required custom code or external libraries. [...] The Intl.DurationFormat object solves this problem elegantly.”


ESLint v.9.23.0: TypeScript syntax support in 3 core rules

Starting with ESLint v9.23.0, three core rules can be used to lint both TypeScript files and JavaScript files:
  • class-methods-use-this
  • default-param-last
  • no-useless-constructor

Migrating to ESLint v9: a guide

“In this guide, I’ll share my step-by-step experience migrating to ESLint v9 in a TypeScript project — including common roadblocks and how to solve them.”

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